Of course, that’s an exaggeration, and it serves to show how crass and insensitive the pallbearer is, in contrast with the serious grief that Maniac feels. He means that it’s so cold that some of his body parts are freezing and falling off. “I’m freezing my cochongas off,” a pallbearer announced. Racial prejudice was symbolized by Hector Street being used as a line which black people and white people didn’t cross. When he left the Beals home he was once again not only without a home but without an address. One symbol was the address that Maniac didn’t have which symbolized homelessness. ‘ Maniac’s stomach isn’t really a cereal box and his heart isn’t really a sofa spring! What is a symbol in Maniac Magee? In Maniac Magee, Jerry Spinelli describes Maniac using this metaphor, ‘They say his stomach was a cereal box and his heart a sofa spring. Developed as early as in 1999, the film was broadcast on Nickelodeon on February 23, 2003. Maniac Magee is a television film made for the Nickelodeon network, based on the novel of the same name by Jerry Spinelli. He came into this world named Jeffrey Lionel Magee, but when his parents died and his life changed, so did his name. He wasn’t born with the name Maniac Magee. Maniac Magee is full of figurative language: similes, metaphors, and hyperbole. What figurative language is in Maniac Magee? 6 How is rock in stream used in Maniac Magee?.5 How does Spinelli use imagery in Maniac Magee?.4 What does the metaphor he heard a volcano of cheers mean?.1 What figurative language is in Maniac Magee?.