Outdated FireStick OS: You may experience buffering issues on FireStick if it is running on an outdated OS.FireStick overheating: If your FireStick is overheating, it is likely to cause buffering issues.The device has only 8GB of space, a lot of which is already used up by the OS Running low on storage: Again, it is common among FireStick users.There may be many unnecessary apps running in the background Running low on RAM: It is not uncommon for FireStick to run out of RAM.Modem far from FireStick: If your FireStick is placed too far from your Wi-Fi modem, your signal strength will be weak and will cause buffering issues.ISP Throttling: Your ISP might slow down your connection speed from time to time if they detect too much streaming activities.

If your internet connection is slow, you will experience buffering issues Slow internet connection: It is recommended that you have at least 10 Mbps for 1080p and 20 Mbps for 4K streaming.Here are some of the most common reasons why buffering happens on FireStick: There are a number of factors that can cause the buffering issue. Read: How to Install and Use Best VPN for FireStick What causes buffering on FireStick Here are reasons why using a VPN at all times is essential. ExpressVPN is currently also offering a whopping 3 extra months free on their annual plan! Plus, if you're not 100% satisfied, you can always get a refund. Not only is it easy to install on any device, it comes with a risk-free 30-day money-back guarantee. I personally use ExpressVPN, the fastest and most secure VPN available. I strongly recommend getting the best FireStick VPN to mask your IP address and securely stream your favorites. Currently, your IP is visible to everyone. Governments and ISPs constantly monitor your online activity, and accessing copyrighted content on your Fire TV Stick could lead to serious trouble.